Gurdy.Net has been on the go since 2008 - so there are plenty of resources that you can start using straight away to open your mind to the tantalizing possibility that... yes, you can effortlessly achieve extraordinary goals and objectives - you can be happy and successful. All that is required is that you take control of what's going on in your own head.
Willie Horton - Gurdy.Net
Personal and Leadership Development Videos
Every week, for the last six years, I've been emailing my free Ezine out to a mailing list that now amounts to a couple of thousand people around the world. As a result, there are lots of short videos - normally less than five minutes - that provide you with insights, ideas and tips on how you can better manage your mind to lead a more satisfying, relaxing and effortlessly successful life. Check out all my videos on YouTube - there are over 300 of them!
Try Out My Free Eworkshop - Focus on Focus
Whatever your personal definition of happiness and success, focus is the key to achieving it. Focus means being present, immersed in the experience of the here and now... it means being 'in the zone'. This short Eworkshop will enable you: understand the importance of focus; learn how to focus your mind; set your mind to achieve what you want from life and tap into your own gut instinct and inspiration. Watch the entire series of Focus-on-Focus on
Personal and Leadership Development Articles
I've written over 250 articles, exploring stress, success, psychology, quantum physics, strategy, leadership, team building, personal development, decision-making... the list isn't endless but I'm working on that! As a client, a CEO, recently explained to one of his leadership team "there's a limited number of ways you can say that you need to manage your mind to achieve success"... but one particular way might be just the one that appearls to you... so read on!
Recommended Reads
I know that a lot of people read too much and do too little about their personal development - so I'm not mad about the idea of recommending more reading. But, here it is - my shortlist of recommended reads - a strange and varied mix but, altogether, some of the books that have most helped me - perhaps one or more or them might help you on your journy of discovery. Find my recommended reading list here...